

Meet your Implant (2024)

Research shows that over half of patients initially resist the idea of receiving an implanted neurostimulator. Meet Your Implant aims to reduce this resistance, promoting greater acceptance of the implant and enabling individuals to better manage their health issues.

Intimate Implant (2023)

The relationship between humans and technology is becoming increasingly intimate. We are on the eve of a breakthrough that makes it possible for regenerative implants to merge with the body’s own tissue. What it is like to live with a technology embedded in our bodies?

Pigment (2023)

Pigment is an eye-catching installation that invites you to step into four different realms of experience to reflect on technology through the eyes of those often overlooked. The message is clear: the future belongs to all of us, and it’s up to us to give it color.

Xenolife (2022)

Our planet's biodiversity is under threat. The creation of new hybrid life might be our only possibility to preserve biodiversity and ultimately restore Earth’s natural balance. What might these new life forms look like and how to coexist with them?

DNA Dialogues (2022)

What do we think of adjusting the DNA of embryos? The DNA Dialogues’ goal is to align decisions we make about HGGE technology with what we value and consider important as a society. My task within the bigger scope is to develop a creative online dialogue.

Baby Builder (2020)

The Baby Builder is an interactive installation in which you can design your own child through genetic engineering. It challenges the audience to question their own beliefs. Is this a future you want and where do you draw the line?

Art & Genomics (2021)

A new course that aims to educate and let students of scientific disciplines experience how they can use art and design to stimulate dialogue about complex research topics in society.

Interactive Floor (2019)

Embodied learning for children. The Interactive Floor and its games provide new ways of furthering educational, social and motor development in a fun and healthy way.

Playful City (2018)

Three playful concepts to stimulate healthy living in The Beurskwartier in Utrecht, a new and innovative district. Playroute, Positive Sound and Up Utrecht.

Pak toch de fiets (2018)

A campaign to stimulate students to travel by bike in stead of the bus between the crowded route from Utrecht Central to the Utrecht Science Park.

Foodnote Festival (2017)

At the Foodnote Festival scientists, food experts, students, entrepreneurs, creatives and visitors explored possible solutions to one of the biggest challenges of our future.

Flo (2017)

Flo is your personal speed advisor to catch the green light more often. It strongly reduces the amount of time that cyclists have to wait in front of traffic lights and makes cycling more fun.

Selection of partners and clients:

Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, NEMO Kennislink, Springlab, Gemeente Utrecht, Provincie Utrecht, Erasmus Medical Center, Utrecht University, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Stichting SOON, Goedopweg, University of the Arts Utrecht, Rabobank, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, University Medical Center Utrecht, Gemeente Eindhoven, Utrecht Science Park, Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen, HKU X, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Living Lab Utrecht, Manifestations, Bildung Academie